*Sponsored* Yaberaclothing.com
Smoker shirts for Men. Iconic Guayabera Shirt for Modern men.
From the owner –“For years I have felt that the guayabera shirt needed a change. Fashion is always changing and in most cases cyclical. But the shirt that has defined my culture’s style had not evolved and been improved upon. When I use to buy my guayaberas from the store, I felt I was just buying a decent quality shirt…for alot of money (and it was nothing special) My favorite type of shirt couldn’t keep up with my style, many mens style for that matter. My first thought and intuition told me, remix the guayabera. Reinvent the guayabera shirt in such a way that everyone will be able to recognize it, connect with it, and appreciate the style. I felt I had an obligation to myself, my family, and my heritage to create something that only enhanced the shirts longevity. This shirt is recognized all throughout the world, I just want people to know the easy way to pronounce guayabera, Y.A.Bera…and know that we have one for every style and occasion.”
Mr. “Y.A.Bera”