How to Support a Friend Dealing With Depression? 

Do you have a friend who’s suffering from persistent sadness, hopelessness, loss of interest in things, or irritability? If yes, they are probably a victim of depression. As per the estimates from the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 7% of U.S adults experienced an episode of depression in the year 2019. In fact, WHO has reported that nearly 300 million adults and children live with symptoms of depression. 

And dealing with it could be a real challenge. The person needs both medical and emotional support in order to get out of the negative thought pattern and live in the present moment. If you’re wondering how you can support your friend in dealing with the symptoms, here are some tips that might help. Read on. 

#1 Have an Open and Honest Conversation 

Let your friend know you’re there for them. Instead of asking a direct question, start the conversation by sharing your concerns. Engage with them by using active listening techniques. This includes asking questions to get more information about their mental health instead of assuming anything. Once they open up, validate their feelings. Show empathy and interest in what they’re saying, but don’t get emotional as they don’t want any further emotional drama. 

#2 Encourage Them to Take Care of their Health

When people deal with depression, they lose their appetite and the urge to engage in everyday activities and constantly deal with stress and anxiety. Try to encourage them to change their routine and follow a healthy lifestyle. Changing their diet and taking up a regular exercise routine can help to a great extent. Moreover, to relieve stress, they can take up natural supplements. For instance, people in America and Canada consume weed edibles to get quick relief from anxiety and depression. You can try weed chocolate bars canada, as they are delicious in taste and induce potent effects. Other than that, you can advise them to practice yoga and meditation to calm their restless mind. 

#3 Encourage Them to Take Therapy

There could be chances that your friend might already be taking therapy, or they might not know about it at all. If you think their symptoms are severe and need professional assistance, encourage them to consult a psychiatrist. Or, you can schedule an appointment on their behalf and convince them to go with you. If they already go to therapy and feel like not continuing the medications due to the side effects, advise them to talk to their doctor and find an alternative. 

#4 Be Patient and Stay By Their Side 

Supporting a dear friend who’s suffering from depression can be a challenge for you, as well. Seeing them suffer through all the emotional trauma can take a toll on your health. In such situations, you need to be strong and take care of yourself. Accept that they’re going through a tough phase and will soon recover from it. Be patient and try to support them every step of the way. 

Final Thoughts 

Depression can increase the risk of suicide case or self-injury. Hence, it’s critical to look for the signs. If you suspect any such sign, talk to them or encourage them to share their feelings with their family or a therapist. Seeking help at an early stage can be helpful for the person. 



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